I don't know about you, but I've got one. I like to think its fairly standard in the working world. You respect the people you work with/for. You treat people with respect and professional courtesy. You do the job you were hired to do. So why is it (no offense to anyone in this age bracket) that 20 & 21 year olds feel they can cop attitude? They've barely been working long enough to earn minimum wage, yet somehow they have the right to sigh, or roll the eyes or give you the comments that make you feel like the task your giving them is beneath them. BUT THEN, right when you think well, ok, lets up the anti and see if they can handle more responsibility your coworker catches them surfing the net without the smarts even enough to delete the history. Why is that? I'm not saying I don't surf once in a while, but when you're hired to work only 4 hours a day, you don't get breaks and there is lots of work to be done - you surf?????? And they complain that what they're doing "sure isn't brain surgery" well treat it like it is, because somebody's gotta do it - guess what - that someone is you!!
I've dealt with that element too many times. (and here I go) When I was their age, I wouldn't be caught dead complaining to people who were paying me to do a job. You do the job. Period. With a big ol' smile on your face, and when you're done, you ask for more. And lets not forget to pick up the pace. If you ask me you should be able to have someone do a lap around the office before you hire them, if they are a slow walker - don't hire. Slow walkers invariably turn out to be slow at EVERYTHING.
Lets see what else can we put in the job description
Scramble when I walk up (like I caught you doing something, even if I didn't)
Everytime I walk by you - look up expectantly, I might need something (but not so pointed that I feel I HAVE to speak to you)
When I ignore you, don't be offended, I'm not here to be your friend (and really, just maybe the boss has something else on their mind besides your feelings)
When asked to do something you haven't done before - don't look stupid - say you don't know how - BUT YOU'LL FIND OUT
Never say "I don't know" I would prefer to hear "I'll get back to you"
If you make a mistake - fess up, don't hide it
Meet my expectations, if you can't meet them, manage them
Oh, I could go on and on. Fortunately for me the temp I'm all up in arms about is just that - a temp. Last day next Thursday. Was she worth the trouble?? Hard to say. The other fortunate thing for me was I actually didn't have to work directly with her. This little tirade was pulled together from many past experiences - all rolled into one.
One more thing. You get the good jobs by working your way up. Don't expect the great jobs right off the bat. We all have to put our time in. And be careful, cause just when you think you made it to the top, things change. You might be doing your dream job one moment, and the next your filing your own stuff again and learning how to fed ex. Get over it. You have a job.