Monday, August 07, 2006


Ok, anyone who has read the oh so adventerous stories of James & Claire Fraser (the Outlander novels by Diana Gabaldon) know that he is referred with the outmost of respect as "Himself". It is a term of respect, or uttered simply out of gratitude that he's arrived at someones humble abode.

So yesterday we're driving down the main drag and I see a vehicle with the licence plate "Himself" on the back of a big manly truck. I think - wow you think so?? When we pulled up I was just a little dismayed to see the guy driving. I won't describe him, but suffice it to say he was not the image that I have come to associate with James Fraser in my mind (or perhaps my dreams...)!!

I guess he could be the "Himself" to someone, but for me it was a little dissapointing...

Book #6 comes out in paper back on August 29th... I can't wait!


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