Well what can I say. Life seems to be going quicker all the time. Listen to me, I'm apologizing to a BLOG. Whatever I'd love to post all the time but sometimes I just don't.
I have been SO moody these last few weeks. I haven't been able to run or do much of anything. The dr. can't confirm that I have a stress fracture, but seems to think that's what's wrong with my foot. So I do nothing but sit ups! I try getting on the bike, it just seems to take more effort and its dark early, blah, blah, blah. I could get DH to put it on the bike trainer, but then on the weekends it would be inside - can't win. Few more weeks, hopefully then I'll be back to normal. NEED TO RELEASE ENDORPHINS!!!!! I bought a pair of black runners - very sexy. They go well with all manner of pants. My co-worker nearly pased out when I said I was going to wear them with a skirt LOL. JUST KIDDING.
Having a strange urge to do the "shimmy" listening to the Pretty Woman soundtrack. Fun. Wonder if the girls are ready to watch that one yet. LOVE THE OLDIES. We watched Back to the Future last week - they loved it!!!
Found out today that my nephew little J has a severe allergy to peanuts. Makes me want to cry. I mean aside from the obvious - the fact that there is something you put in your mouth that can kill you - I just hate to think of one more in my family being forced to carry an Epi-pen. I think we are up to three. I guess there is safety in numbers - I can see it now - one of us goes down, doesn't matter who's purse you reach for, there will be an epi-pen in it. I think maybe I'll just store one at mom & dad's. Can't hurt with all those family gatherings. Yes, good idea.
First kids club/youth last night. Tabitha went to a corn maze - way too much fun. Was full of stories. Sabrina had tonnes of fun in clubs. I'm volunteering there again for the year. It is energizing being with the young ones. Love giving them back at the end of the night! They do warm my heart though. Sabrina asked if we could listen to camp songs on the way home. So there we are the three of us singing along at the top of our lungs. Suddenly Tabitha turns off the music - we kept singing. It was so pretty I almost cried. Love singing harmonies with my girls. Tabitha figures we should grab Aunti and go make a CD - are you up for it? Maybe one day LOL.