Thursday, September 14, 2006

letters to friends

Sometimes in family history books, you see letters, long lost letters. People share them in that way so as to preserve history. I wrote a letter not to long ago (yesterday). Between Jay and I we decided that it was high time to share it. Ok, so it wasn't really so much a letter as an email, or really an intimate look at my thoughts. My complex (and often weird) thoughts. So from me to her and us to you - my letter...

Dear Jay

I would like to formally ask you to revisit your no-drinking policy as alluded to in your blog of September 11th or 12th.

I find several factors have influenced my desire to make this plea to you (not withstanding the incredible amount of fun had on this Saturday past). In part my reasons are entirely selfish. I enjoy having the odd (or even) drink with you and would strongly suggest you feel the same way.

I feel that your feelings of "stomach distress" and constant puking can be attributed to many things, not just alcohol.

1. I believe you had an empty stomach (preventative measures can be taken),
2. the laughing we did somehow increased the alcohol flow and potency, and
3. the amount of compensating we had to do for those not having near as much fun as us (alcohol/fun meter reports yet to come in).

In light of your recent emotional distress as it relates to my glorious nephews and the ongoing stress you have to endure in your current work place, gives rise to the question of perhaps we are not drinking enough? I believe the considerable feelings of discomfort felt by us (and our good friend Lori - she almost missed a flight on Sunday due to falling asleep in the departure lounge) could have been prevented by taking any of these simple steps:

1. conditioning (obviously out of practice),
2. the presence of chocolate (would not have drank so much if we'd been nibbling on chocolate),
3. having been allowed to keep running around (burn off the alcohol - duhh!!),
4. open to suggestions.

So, in conclusion and in light of my recent distress - the dr. as of this am feels I "may" have a stress fracture in my foot. He won't know as they don't always show up on the x-ray till its healed and there is a calcium deposit. So again, I must refrain from those activities which I do enjoy. I.e. running. Thus I feel incredibly deflated and feel I must self medicate. Care to join me? That is an open invitation. Any time, any place.

Forever yours,


PS - no I have not been drinking.


Blogger Jo said...

LMAO!! Ok, I'm still laughing at this one!!!

4:46 PM  

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