Sunday, July 09, 2006


Slept with the window open last night. What a difference a few degrees make!!! High of 22 today, nice break from the hot hot. Back to that though in a day or two.

The kids were gone all last week at my mom & dad's. When they were little it was a like a break, we would plan evenings out and generally take advantage of the kid free time. Now its just kind of quiet when they're gone... the kittens sure missed having them around!! The kids had a blast though. Went to the beach, shopping, out for lunch. The kinds of things we never seem to have time for. Oh to be retired...

One great thing about this week is hubby has slowed down a bit. Mr. Workaholic has to take a break - its time - time for Tour De France! He tapes it daily to watch after work or before he goes outside to work on the yard. Its good for him I think!

Went to see Pirates of the Caribbean on Friday. Some of critics were not impressed, but I LOVED it (missed you Jay). Sorry, I'm getting distracted - Y is playing on the bed with the kittens - too cute.

Had supper at BTB's last night. FUN. Haven't had pizza in ages - I think I made up for that last night - YUM. Lots of fun, BTB had has nephew, neighbors and one of their friends over too. Good crowd. I stole BTB's cell phone and called lady J (insert smerk here). Had to leave a msg for her to come over, but no such luck. I'll have to meet her another time...

I think I have to clean my house today. Hate doing that on Sunday's but I just didn't get done yesterday. No rest for the wicked I guess. I'm missing church as I type. I guess that makes me doubly wicked??

One more thing. My 20 year high school reunion is this weekend. Can't go to the Saturday functions, but I could try and make the Friday evening thing out at the school itself. I just can't decide if I should go. Will I miss it if I don't? Do I really care anymore? Not sure... It might be nice to connect?? But not an earth shattering moment or anything... I'll have to think about it some more. Where in the world did 20 years go anyway????


Blogger Jo said...

Wanna play hookie this week?

I'm sorry I missed the movie. I will take a raincheck though. You can't even imagine how much I was looking forward to going.

Let me know if you go to the reunion. Big decisions hey?

love ya

10:48 PM  
Blogger Blondie said...

raincheck?? you can have a hurricane holdover!!!

I would so love to play hookie!! you got lunch plans all week??

7:37 AM  

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