Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm expanding my horizons, yes - I'm trying Green Tea. I mean quite literally. The stuff in the cup is actually green - kind of looks like algae. I bought a huge Costco size package of Green Tea for work and decided it was high (tea) time to try it. Thing is - I don't like tea, coffee or anything in between. The odd time I'll have black tea only because sometimes you need something hot and Hot Chocolate is just has too much junk in it to drink on a daily basis. I've even started drinking plain old hot water. No bad after taste there. It just makes me feel old - you know. hot water is something your grandma should drink. Funny thing happened over the holidays (funny ha, ha, not funny peculiar). At work when I drink hot water I get it out of the hot water spigot/spout, whatever on the coffee machine. I decided to have it at home one evening and boiled a pot of water just for me. Poured my cup and had some almost immediately. FOR THE LOVE OF THE IRISH (recently watched PS I Love You again - really must get to Ireland). How come boiling water is so freaking hot!!! Well, lesson learned. Next time the kettle whistles I will be a little more patient.

Hmm. the green tea wasn't so bad. Actually like it better than black. Just have to get over the algae mental block I'm cultivating.


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