Tuesday, November 11, 2008

clean enough yet?

I went to a naturopath on October 10th or so. Dr. Dude's deal is that first he asks you tons about your history, how you eat etc. All the while you are hooked up to a bio-feedback system that tells him what your body is sensitive to. Essentially scoring your levels as they relate to food. Ok fine. I looked up his system, did some research and felt good that I am not being scammed. Also I have first hand references from Jo who had first hand references from others. He has helped many people figure out what is up with their bodies and how what they eat might be affecting them.

So - for almost 3 weeks I have been eating no dairy, caffeine, red meat, alcohol, wheat (gluten), sugar and many other things. I have to eat only cooked vegetables (mostly green) and just a few fruits (there would be more if I weren't allergic). Ok, so far I have done it. I've taken his brown rice protein powder 2x a day, grapefruit seed extract pills 3x a day and eaten chicken or turkey with brown rice products and green vegetables. I've learnt to cook a few new things, so far my favorites are squash, sweet potatoes and ginger root. I'm drinking blueberry/raspberry/blackberry smoothies with rice milk, eating brown rice porridge and I'm surviving. Funny thing is, just this last winter I found out I'm allergic to rice. White rice triggers an allergic reaction. White rice is brown rice with the husk removed. So what happens to white rice that makes it inedible for me to eat??? I was a little (a lot) leery about trying the brown rice products, but to tell you the truth I feel pretty good. I haven't had any problems at all. My energy is mostly up. I'm sleeping well and I've lost a few lbs. Whatever. At the beginning I thought that this might be a weight loss tool - but how does it help if you go back to eating the way you were when you are done?? The real tool is the knowledge of learned. I've eaten a lot of new things and my body can thrive without all the gluten and sugar.

So what's my problem???? I'm completely sick of it. Eating like this isn't the problem. Its walking by other things and just not having them. I like choices. I like to make a choice weighing the pros and cons of eating it. I like to decide whether empty calories are worth it or not. I won't cheat, I mean that would be pointless. On Friday I'm going back to Dr. Dude, he will hook me up again and tell me what my sensitivities are now that I'm supposedly all cleaned out. I've been eating only things that are easy to digest and that's what makes a difference.

It will be interesting to see how my body adjusts to eating different foods again. There's a lot of stuff I don't care if I have again. I imagine that certain things will actually really bug me now. What I really want back is my raw veggies (SALAD), citrus fruits, red meat, certain dairy products, corn products and yes, the occasional drink. I want to bake for my family and maybe even have a treat.


Blogger Just a thought said...

You are a stronger woman than I. I could give care less what the readings are. If I can eat it and it agrees with me then I eat it. If it makes me bloated and well you know gassy then I opt out. It's basic it's simple and it works for me. On the other hand you have more health issues so kuddos to you for sticking to it!

9:38 PM  
Blogger Jo said...

You've done good. AND you told me that you have felt better, pain free, than you have in a very long time. Way the options. Is it worth it? I think if you keep going, you will find more options in eating.

Honestly, I love eating like that.. feels so much better. If you go back to "normal" eating, you will find that you will slowly regress back to where you were to begin with. Find your balance.... You've done well my friend.

8:47 AM  

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