Friday, May 16, 2008


Teenagers are interesting beasts. Take Samantha's friend of the last 3 years, lets call her Amy. Amy has always been a little controlling, the clique always centred around her. If Amy was having a bad day, well everyone had a bad day. If Amy was feeling closer to one friend in particular, then someone was left out. That happened for the last time in January. Samantha had had enough. She tried to fix it, went to the resource counsellor, did what she could. The third friend (lets call her Susie) in their trio was feeling pulled in all directions too and could barely cope. She leaned more toward Amy... Samantha decided it was time to call it quits. Enough was enough. She started making new friends, and doing different things. Eventually Susie started to also see the bad and the good and decided she too had enough of being hurt. So now Amy has gravitated toward a whole different group of people. She has quit the choir she loved, dance club and alienated anyone from the old clique. This has opened doors for Samantha. She is still enjoying choir, joined the dance club and still has the new friends she made. Her and Susie no longer have a love hate relationship and seem to be better friends to each other. I haven't seen Amy in ages and I wonder how she is. She is the kind of kid who has missed more school for sick days then I can count and I really don't think she's been all that sick. I wonder now where she will end up. Honestly there is more I could say. I think Amy is going to miss out. I hear the friends she hangs with now are the tough crowd. Hopefully she will find her way. I used to get so angry at her behaviour. Now I kind of feel sorry for her. Oh she's probably fine, but it sure makes you think...


Blogger Jo said...

Most often we are a product of our up-bringing. I always wonder about girls like that and how they are treated at home, if they get enough attention and such.
You're an awesome mom and Sam is a beautiful, strong and sensitive young lady.
You've done well Mom!

9:40 PM  

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