Friday, January 06, 2006

I like to call them life lessons…

Those things that stop me in the middle of something and make me say “I’ll never do that” or if I’m with my kids and say “life lesson” they both obligingly stop whatever they are doing to calmly listen to my latest pet peeve. I figure if I repeat myself often enough it will sink in and will stand them in good stead as they get older. So from me to you – LIFE LESSONS.

The Basics:

Treat others as you would like to be treated. Of course this one kind of back fired on me the day I caught my oldest talking back to her sister and pushing her around – when I asked her if she was treating her sister they way she like to be treated, her response was “no mom, I’m treating her the way she showed me she likes to be treated”. How do you argue with that??

Don’t use the words shut up, stupid, dumb or hate (or any swear words) around kids. They soak it up like sponges and it WILL come back to haunt you. If it isn’t part of their everyday vocabulary when they’re growing up, it is less likely to come out of their mouths when they’re older – I mean how much would it break your heart to hear your 3 year old tell you “Your stupid, I hate you”.

Stairways (in a mall, workplace, church etc):

Don’t stop in the middle of them.
Don’t stop at the bottom/top and talk to someone.
If you’re wondering whether or not you are going the right way – move over and figure it out – don’t ponder in the way.
If you’re walking 2 across and someone comes up the other way (who by the way is already single file!!) make room.

Shopping Mall or Grocery Store:

Hold doors for people.
Stay to the right so you don’t have to do “the dance”.
If you decide to go into a store – do it – don’t just stop walking so people behind you have veer around you.
If you are said person having to veer – be conscious of who’s around you – shoulder check.
When you stop to put something in your cart – pull over to the right – leave enough room for people to get around you. (its really not that hard). Before pulling back into traffic - shoulder check.
If you feel you have to argue with the check out clerk – don’t. Go to customer service and avoid ticking off the people behind you.

Well I guess that’s enough for now, I’ll have to come back another day to talk about driving and cell phones (not necessarily together).


Blogger Jo said...

Here's what you do... when walking in a mall and you see someone walking towards you but looking the other way... just stop. It's really funny to have people crash into you head on.
Ok, on second thought, have the hubby do this. :D

8:50 PM  

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